The Hostel Complex of CM in Prokocim
Jagiellonian University – Medical College
To contact the administration

12 658-54-27



After receiving a place in student dormitories, a new deposit for the academic year 2024/2025 must be paid. 
It is not possible to transfer the deposit from 2023/2024.
The deposit is equivalent to one month’s rent.
In accordance with Order no. 16 of the Vice-Rector for Collegium Medicum of May 28, 2024, the prices have changed.

Bank account – where you have to pay a deposit
Uniwersytet Jagielloński Collegium Medicum
ul. Św. Anny 12
31-008 Kraków
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                BANK PEKAO SA  : 38 1240 2294 1111 0010 3649 5008                                                                                                                                                        IBAN: PL 38 1240 2294 1111 0010 3649 5008
In the “title of operation” box, please enter: phrase: “KAUCJA”, your surname, first name, ID number.

Accommodation of students for the academic year 2023/2024
from 29/09/2023Friday to 5/10/2023 Thursday from 8 AM to 6 PM
Days from 29/09/2023 until 01/10/2023 are payable according to the price list.           

All students must make an accommodation reservation in order to be accommodated at: Accomodation time reservation system. 

Students of the School of Medicine in English who plan to arrive earlier than 29/09/2023 will be admitted to the Dormitory on the basis of a room reservation. Rooms are assigned by the administration.

These students, even though they already live in the dormitory, must also come to the administration office to check in. To do this, they must make a reservation in the “Accomodation time reservation system “. On the booked date, you should report to the administration to complete the formalities related to living in the Dormitory.

Documents necessary for accommodation:

  • The personal identity card (higher years – along with a confirmation of temporary residence in Hostel A or B ),
  • The student identity card.


Bank accounts – where you have to pay rent for a hostel:

  • Hostel A – 47 1240 2294 1111 0010 3649 4652

IBAN: PL 47 1240 2294 1111 0010 3649 4652

  • Hostel B – 18 1240 2294 1111 0010 3649 4883

IBAN: PL 18 1240 2294 1111 0010 3649 4883

The Administration Office of the Dormitory Complex informs that all amounts due for Dormitory accommodation must be paid to the Dormitory bank account in which you live (In the “title” box, please enter: your first name , surname, the month you pay for and room number.), in cash or by card at the reception desk by the 10 th of each month.
Only permanent inhabitants can pay their hostel accommodation fee to the bank account.

At the reception desk also accepts all fees for guests stay, interest and damage, etc. 

Each inhabitant is obliged to read the following orders:

Please direct any doubts or questions to the administration of the Student Dormitory Complex.


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